This is still unfinished, but hi!
I am a Roblox developer of intermediate skill, but I am learning Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, and much more.
This is the CSS used to make the code in this section look like Wikipedia <code></code> styling, although NOT MEANT TO BE EXACT.
/* PLEASE KEEP THIS AND THE FOLLOWING LINE Script source: */ .code { background-color: #EEE; border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: courier; }
This is a JavaScript function to get a random integer from a minimum bound to a maximum bound, inclusive.
/* PLEASE KEEP THIS AND THE FOLLOWING LINE Script source: */ function randomIntegerInclusive(min: number, max: number) { // The lower and upper variables are used to prevent bugs from usage of floats as the parameters. let lower = Math.floor(min) let upper = Math.ceil(max) if (lower <= upper) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min } else { throw "the floor of value 'min' must be less than or equal to the ceil of value 'max'" } } would honestly be a good name for this code.
# PLEASE KEEP THIS AND THE FOLLOWING LINE # Script source: class Website: title = "" link = "about:blank" visits = 0 def __init__(self, title, link): self.title = title = link def visit(self): self.visits += 1 def visit_multiple_times(self, times): self.visits += times def modify_title(self, new_title): self.title = new_title neocities = Website("Neocities", "") neocities.visit_multiple_times(10000)I'm learning Swift as well :D
/* PLEASE KEEP THIS AND THE FOLLOWING LINE Script source: */ let thisIsAConstant = !true var thisCanBeWrittenTo = ":(" thisCanBeWrittenTo = ":)" print(thisIsAConstant) print(thisCanBeWrittenTo)
External additions used: